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Cannabis Strawberry Cough Outdoors Image 1

Strawberry Cough Grow Log - Outdoors

Vegetative Cycle

Week 1

Clones were grown in rockwool cubes inside a tent under a T5 light until they were big enough and the season started for outdoor cannabis growing in Colorado. The clones are being hand watered with Clonex Root Solution daily after week 1 until transplant.

Week 3

Clones were transplanted into Grodan's Pargro QD blocks during week 3 prior to being hardened to the outside sun. Granular mycorrhiza innoculants were used inside the block prior to placing the clone cubes inside, where it will make direct contact with roots. Plants are currently receiving vegetative feed using the General Hydroponics 3-part FloraSeries until they are placed outside in the ground during week 5 of the vegetative phase.

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Young Strawberry Cough plant in vegetative stage sitting under a layer of trellis outdoors.

Week 5

Plants have been getting acclimated to the Sun by placing the plants directly outdoors for a few hours at a time for the past week until they are placed into the ground. During week 5 of the vegetative phase, Plants are ready to be transitioned from T5 lighting inside a tent, to the outdoors after having been hardened to the Sun's powerful light for the past week. The plants are placed about 3ft apart in distance from one another. There is a PVC structure to support the trellis that will train the plants and to tie tarp around for when the weather gets severe. The ground was tilled and Fox Farm Happy Frog and Fox Farm Ocean Forest soils were added to the ground. Additional companion plants were planted around the cannabis plants to encourage beneficial insects to call my garden their home.

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A Handheld pump sprayer being prepared with a mixture of Garden Safe's Neem Oil Extract to spray a Strawberry Cough plant outdoors in the vegetative phase. I use water straight out of the tap in my city because the levels of chloramine and excess minerals are relatively low.

Week 6

The plant was trellised during week 6 of the vegetative phase and has a PVC temporary structure for its support. There is a healthy population of ladybugs which I believe is partly due to the companion plants. I spotted aphids in the garden on the undersides and topsides of the cannabis leaves and started to regularly spray Garden Safe’s Neem Oil Extract twice weekly until the start of the flower phase. Companion plants have been continually planted since week 5 of the vegetative phase. The various companion plants has kept Ladybugs around and they are unaffected by the neem oil as well as bees which is important when spraying pesticides outdoors. Fortunately. Ladybugs prey on aphids so in combination with the neem oil sprays it should clear the aphid issue.

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Young Strawberry Cough plant outdoors with young green aphids on the topsides of leaves and a ladybug at work.

Week 7

The plant was supercropped and weaved into the trellis to expand the plant’s footprint or canopy outwards as much as possible before it’s final stretching phase in early flower. In addition to the soil, the Strawberry Cough plant is being fed with General Hydroponics FloraNova Grow daily with a flush on the seventh day of every week in the vegetative phase outdoors.

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Young Strawberry Cough plant outdoors being supercropped to expand its canopy outwards prior to the stretching in early flower.

Flowering Cycle

Week 2

The Strawberry Cough plant has stretched and has received a 2nd layer of trellis to support the branches before the buds bloom out. The regular neem oil applications have stopped from week 1 of the flower phase onwards.

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Trellised Strawberry Cough plant outdoors in early flower.

Week 3

The ladybugs are still flying around and keeping the garden looking clean. I have not spotted any aphids since starting the regular spray applications of the Garden Safe neem oil extract back in week 5 of the vegetative phase. Another great neem oil extract product that I have personally used is Dyna-Gro’s neem oil.

Week 5

The buds are coming in nicely in week 5 of flower and are smelling like ripe strawberries and very fruity overall. The structure looks nice and the plants have been free of pests. I have started to feed the plant with some additional Budswel Liquid by the Guano Company for the next 3 weeks prior to flushing.

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Week 8

Plants are now being flushed daily at the start of week 8 of the flower stage in preparation for harvest at the beginning of week 10 or 11.

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Growing Conditions

Strawberry Cough (Strawberry Fields X Haze)


clone - T5 Lights

veg - Outdoors

flower - Outdoors

Rockwool cubes and blocks prior to planting outdoors.

Fox Farm Happy Frog soil for top layer of transplant into ground from rockwool cube.

Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil for bottom layer of transplant in the hole of the ground.

semi-automated with pump, hose, and wand

6.3 - 6.8 pH range

FloraNova Grow by General Hydroponics

Budswel Liquid by The Guano Company

Outdoors in Denver, Colorado

June 2018
High Temp: 91F average, Low Temp: 57F average
Sunrise: 534AM, Sunset: 821PM. (15hrs light/10hrs dark)
Precipitation: 2.05 inches

August 2018
High Temp: 90F average, Low Temp: 60F average
Sunrise: 606AM, Sunset: 803PM. (14hrs light/10hrs dark)
Precipitation: 2.01 inches

October 2018
High Temp: 67F average, Low Temp: 45F average
Sunrise: 656AM, Sunset: 641PM (12hrs light/12hrs dark)
Precipitation: 1.43 inches

Homegrown Outdoors



not available